Anxiety Warrior

We want you to know that you're not alone in this battle. Anxiety can feel like an insurmountable mountain, but we're here to walk alongside you every step of the way. Welcome to our Anxiety Warrior Resource Hub, a place designed just for you.

Your Journey, Your Strength:

Being an Anxiety Warrior means you have the courage to face your anxiety and manic disorder head-on, even when it feels paralyzing.

We understand that overwhelming fears and debilitating stress can cast a shadow over your life.

But it's essential to remember that you possess a strength within you that's ready to shine through.

Downloadable Resources

As an Anxiety Warrior, you'll also have access to downloadable resources that you can keep with you as a source of support and inspiration. From calming exercises to anxiety management techniques, these resources are here to assist you on your path to greater well-being.

The Feeling Wheel

Ever had a hard time pinpointing exactly how you feel? Our Feeling Wheel is like a compass for your emotions. It helps you navigate the vast landscape of feelings, giving you a clearer understanding of what's going on inside. By recognizing and naming your emotions, you take the first step towards managing them. It's a simple but powerful tool in your Anxiety Warrior toolkit. Explore it and discover a world of self-awareness and emotional well-being.

Distress Tolerence Tools

Check out our easy-to-use 'Distress Tolerance Tools' PDF. It's packed with simple, everyday tips to help you chill out using your senses and movement. Find cool ways to use sights, sounds, tastes, touches, smells, and easy activities to help you relax and feel better in stressful times. It's quick to read and super handy to have around!

Daily Gratitude Questions

Get your daily dose of positivity with our easy-to-follow PDF, 'HOPE FILLED DAILY QUESTIONS.' It's a simple guide with six quick questions to help you feel grateful, connected, and happy every day. Perfect for a quick morning or evening reflection, this PDF is your go-to for a little daily uplift.

Frequently asked questions

Disclaimer: These answers are for general information and aren't meant to diagnose or treat any conditions. Always check with a healthcare professional for personal advice.

  • Anxiety is like your body's alarm system, responding to stress or danger. It's totally normal and everyone feels anxious at times. It's our body's way of saying, "Hey, be careful!" But if this feeling is super strong or lasts a long time, it might be more than just everyday stress.

  • It's like having a worry that just won't quiet down. If your anxiety stops you from doing things you love, makes it tough to get through the day, or feels really overwhelming, it might be time to chat with someone who can help.

  • A bunch of things can trigger anxiety. Sometimes it's genetics, like if anxiety runs in the family. Other times, it's life stuff – like big changes, stress at work, or relationship troubles. Even certain physical health issues can play a role.

  • Absolutely! There are lots of ways to help ease anxiety. Talking to a counselor, certain medications, and self-care strategies like deep breathing or exercise can all help. Everyone's different, so what works for one person might not work for another.

  • Yep! Try deep, slow breaths, or focus on something around you, like the details in a picture. Some people find it helpful to count slowly or think of a calm, happy place. These little tricks can sometimes help your mind hit the "pause" button on anxiety.

  • If anxiety is making life tough, like messing with your sleep, work, or relationships, it's a good idea to talk to a professional. They're like guides who can help you navigate through the anxiety jungle and find more peaceful spots.